Design Tools
When using CheckWare's self-service designer tools, you can either utilise existing digital services (numbering 250+) and content, or create digital services and content yourself.
Design Tools
The CheckWare platform gives you get access to a number of design tools to create care processes and content to meet your needs. Automate the workflow through our processing tool and build the content precisely to your needs. Intuitive tools get you up to speed quickly to transform your services into integrated digital care programs.

Card and menu designer
Different treatments often require different view and focus. This module provides the opportunity to adapt the interface both for the clinician's insight into the respondent's treatment and the respondent's encounter with assessments and content. This is made possible by setting up different orders of elements in cards, as well as adding graphic elements, supporting text and content to different display cards. Adjustments are often desirable on treatment cards, start cards for respondents and on dashboards. The menu available to respondents can be adapted per treatment type. In other words, you can establish an "end-to-end" user experience for patients and healthcare personnel for each treatment type.
CheckWare Studio
This is a dedicated tool for creating dynamic, multilingual assessments and measures with associated treatment rules and clinical decision reports. Assessments and scoring algorithms, reports and flags can be created in the tool. The tool is probably one of the most advanced tools on the market and supports , for example, the use of large normative data sets as part of the scoring algorithms and report design. Everything created with Studio is published to the assessment library. In Studio, users can share assessments created with other clinical services and teams.
Consent designer
This tool enables preparing and maintaining consent templates as basis for consents, given in a treatment manually or via plan. The module is a self-service solution to create consent templates in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The module ensures that already assigned consents do not change wording etc.
Content designer
This is a tool for content editors working with digitally adapted treatment content. Utilsing the intuitive tools, care professionals can upload files, write text, add video files etc. This is put together in content packages that can be assigned to patients or close associates by using the clinician tool treatment administration. By using plans and algorithms, clinicians can automate assignment of content created with the Content designer.
Export template designer
This is a tool for defining your own export templates. The export templates can define data columns across assessments and roles in a treatment. You can also include several columns with the same variable but with different measurement points in time (contexts).Custom export templates can deliver data both on .csv and .sav formats (SPSS).
By using custom export templates, access to the data extract can be limited through the use of clinician groups. This enables making exported data safely available without worrying that this may expose unwanted data. If using the consent module, you may also define which consents need to be given for data to be included in the export. In this way you can ensure that no excess data needs to be excluded manually after the export.
This module enables creating customised treatment pathways and research designs. In the plan designer it is decided which assessments to be used for each treatment pathway, who should respond and when. Assessments in a treatment pathways can be supported with treatment adapted information by assigning content packages created in the content designer. This module supports automated routines for notifications about assigned content, as well as automated routines for reminders and follow-up of unsubmitted assessments or non-completed content packages. By using evaluation components, one can create alternative routes through a treatment pathway based on the respondent's replies, measures or scoring results. In plans you may define which roles that should do what and when.
Program designer
The module is used, for example, to build web based treatment programs and co-selection tools. This user friendly tool lets the editors themselves assemble content in a module bases system where they can use pre-made rules to define how the patient should get access to which modules at which time. The Content designer is built into the Program designer, so that you can both reuse and create content directly from the Program designer's user interface. Programs can be assigned to respondents manually through Adminstration of treatments or automatically through Plans.